about bounty

Your questions answered

We answer some of the questions you may have about Bounty

Here at Bounty, we aim to be the first place new mums turn to for advice, reassurance and information.

We offer three Bounty packs and guides as well as access to our online content and emails.

At a glance

  • Every mum who registers with us is eligible to receive Bounty packs & guides
  • The Bounty guides contain vital health and well-being information from the Department of Health

We answer some of your questions about what mums can expect from Bounty.

If you’d like to tell us about the service you received from Bounty or you have a question that we haven't covered and that you would like answering, please send us an email.

Why do Bounty visit hospital wards?

We are unable to visit wards temporarily due to Covid 19.  However, typically Bounty colleagues visit wards to deliver our Bounty packs, which contain printed parenting guides, with advice and information on what to expect when you’ve had a baby. We also provide free samples of products and money off vouchers and coupons. The packs also contain Child Benefit forms, meaning that parents can begin claiming straight away, particularly helpful if they do not have an internet connection at home.

What else is in the packs & guides other than products & samples?

The Bounty guides contain vital health and well-being information from the Department of Health on topics such as whooping cough, flu jabs and the impact of smoking. Lots of mums tell us they find it difficult to get hold of this official information and advice elsewhere and they appreciate being given it by their Bounty representative.

Do Bounty colleagues try and sell products?

The main role of our team within hospital wards is to distribute free products, product samples and information.

Will Bounty visit me when I’m feeding or if I’m not feeling well?

We have a code of conduct for all staff and it clearly states that they should not interrupt you if you are sleeping or if you are feeding your baby. We also always check first with the midwifery team if we can visit you.

Can I still get a child benefit form if I don't want a pack or to give my details?

Absolutely – just ask the Bounty representative to give this to you separately. Giving permission to be contacted is not a condition for receiving either the free Bounty pack or the Child Benefit form.

What should I do if I don't want to receive emails from Bounty?

By accepting a pack in hospital, you are not obliged to be contacted by us and you do not need to provide your details to us. If you do provide your details and at a later date decide you no longer want to be contacted, you may unsubscribe by clicking the link found at the bottom of each Bounty email.

At a glance

  • Every mum who registers with us is eligible to receive Bounty packs & guides
  • The Bounty guides contain vital health and well-being information from the Department of Health
91% of mums agree Bounty is a trusted source of information

Find out more about Bounty