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Your baby's first year...

Your first few weeks with baby

Your pregnancy is over and after those long 9 months, you finally meet your newborn baby, now begins the real fun! The first week or two may feel a little crazy and it’ll take some getting used to. There’s no instruction manual for your baby, but there’s nothing to be worried about, instead take each week as it comes and enjoy the learning and bonding experience you’ll go through together. If you’re feeling a little unsure, why not take a look at what you can expect from the first few weeks with your baby.

Feeding and nutrition for your baby

Feeding your baby is a great opportunity to bond but it can take a while to get used to breastfeeding. If you're feeling a little unsure, take a look at our breastfeeding Q & A, as well as recommended breastfeeding positions, which will help ensure both you and your baby both enjoy feeding time and the bond it creates between you. 

For babies 6 months and upwards, we have expert advice on weaning, with information and advice on how to start weaning your baby, what types of foods to try and a whole host of weaning recipes to try.

Your baby's health & care

Ensuring the health and safety of your baby is a big part of being a parent. Whether it's their first immunisation jabs, to their first tooth; there's a lot going on (and a lot to remember) in the first year of your baby's life. 

To help you, we have a range of advice on health & care including establishing sleeping patterns, crying, spotting the signs of illness and how to keep your baby's skin lovely and soft. 

Whilst it may sound scary, first aid for your baby is easy to learn and could help save your baby's life. It's for this reason we have a section dedicated to first aid techniques to learn for your baby.

Your baby’s development

Just as your baby developed quickly in the womb, the first year of your baby’s development will involve a lot of changes and growth. It’s a very exciting time for new mums and dads, with plenty of milestones for you to enjoy. It can be easy to get anxious if you feel like your baby development isn't what you’d expect but every baby will develop at a slightly different pace.

Don’t forget to enjoy it!

Whilst it’s good to keep an eye on your baby’s development, don’t worry too much if it doesn't stick to a rigid time-frame, instead enjoy this first year you have with your baby and partner and enjoy watching your little one develop from baby to toddler.

Baby 0 to 12 months