Choosing a first birthday gift that keeps on giving
Why not start saving for your little one's future for their first birthday?

Choosing your precious little one’s first birthday present is a momentous part of their first year and you’ll want to get it just right, but what is the best gift for a one-year-old?
You can go with a special outfit or a really elaborate toy but why not think about getting them a gift they’ll love in a few years’ time when they’re really able to appreciate it.
While toys, clothes and other presents are great, they don’t last forever, and your child will have outgrown them very quickly whereas a Shepherds Friendly Junior ISA will start building a future for them now.
Gift them a Shepherds Friendly Junior ISA. By opening up a Junior ISA plan and saving a fixed amount each month, once they turn 18 they can receive a lump sum to invest however they’d like. Whether that’s on a housing deposit, buying their first car or putting it towards their education.
Shepherds Friendly have a range of child savings plans. A Junior ISA account can be opened from just £10 a month (or a £100 lump sum). Alternatively, if you value sustainability, the Sustainable Junior ISA aims to invest in sustainable companies that offer long-term growth, while making a positive difference to the world your child grows up in.
Remember: When investing, your capital is at risk. In poor investment conditions a Market Value Reduction (MVR) may be applied.