Is it Serious - Check your Pregnancy Symptoms

By Tommy's Midwife, Kate

Is it Serious? Check your Pregnancy Symptoms

In many cases pregnancy symptoms can be treated easily and will not lead to a serious complication. But sometimes they are signs of something more serious.

In many cases pregnancy symptoms can be treated easily and will not lead to a serious complication. But sometimes they are signs of something more serious.

Read more about pregnancy complications in our pregnancy symptom checker and understand when to call your midwife or maternity unit. If your symptoms are severe, or if you have noticed any change or reduction in your baby’s movements, contact your local labour ward immediately.

Trust your instincts: If you feel something is wrong, even if it’s not in our symptom checker, contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately.

Pregnancy complications include:

  • Spotting or light bleeding
  • Constant vomiting
  • Leaking fluid
  • Painful urination
  • Persistent severe headache
  • Swelling in face, hands or legs
  • Contractions or cramps
  • Itching, especially on hands and feet
  • Sharp or continuing abdominal pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Blurred vision, seeing spots
  • Baby’s movements slow down or pattern changes
  • High temperature
  • Is it serious? Pregnancy warning signs to look out for | Tommy's (

  • Is it Serious - Check your Pregnancy Symptoms