
Baby tooth care

Top tips for looking after those precious first teeth

It’s never too early to start thinking about your baby’s dental health.

You can start cleaning their teeth as soon as they appear.

At a glance

  • Some babies are born with their first teeth
  • Use a fluoridated toothpaste containing no less than 1,000 parts per million of fluoride
  • If your baby is a wriggler, it may be easier to enlist help, so that one of you holds them on your lap while the other cleans their teeth

Starting tooth care from birth

As some babies are born with their first teeth, looking after them can start from birth.  As soon as teeth appear brush them twice a day using a toothbrush specially designed for babies. As well as protecting the tooth this will get babies used to having their teeth cleaned from an early age.

Use baby toothpastes and toothbrushes

Use a toothpaste containing no less than 1000 parts per million of fluoride. Only use a smear of toothpaste for children up to the age of three. From the age of three to six years only use a small pea size of toothpaste.

Clean teeth and gums twice a day, use a soft toothbrush before they go to bed at night and on one other occasion.

Visit the dentist

NHS guidelines say that, at the very least, children should have at least one visit to the dentist before the age of two but once your little one has milk teeth, you should look to arrange your first visit to the dentist.

Here comes the plane!

If your baby is a wriggler, it may be easier to enlist the help of a friend or partner so that one of you holds them on your lap while the other cleans their teeth.  And, of course, turning it into a fun game won’t do any harm either.

There are plenty of products and medicines that can help and techniques you can use to comfort little teethers. 

At a glance

  • Some babies are born with their first teeth
  • Use a fluoridated toothpaste containing no less than 1,000 parts per million of fluoride
  • If your baby is a wriggler, it may be easier to enlist help, so that one of you holds them on your lap while the other cleans their teeth
Clean teeth twice a day using a soft toothbrush and a smear of toothpaste for children up to three.

Baby tooth care