
Natural remedies and pregnancy: The lowdown

From homeopathy, herbal remedies and complimentary treatments, find out how they can help you in pregnancy

What you need to know about natural remedies and pregnancy

Natural remedies can be a good way to ease pregnancy symptoms, but here’s what you need to know


Natural medicine can offer great comfort during pregnancy, but do your research first - many natural remedies are powerful and could be harmful if not used carefully. So always chat to your midwife or doctor before trying any out.


Homeopathy works on the principle of using like to cure like, using highly diluted plants and minerals treat a wide range of ailments. In pregnancy, you may be able to ease morning sickness, heartburn and piles. It’s important you see a qualified, registered homeopath, not only because you need to know they’re safe, but also because homeopaths tailor a unique plan for each individual.

Herbal remedies

You need to be very careful with herbal remedies – many are pretty powerful. And because they work in the same way as drugs, some can cause problems in pregnancy, or interfere with prescribed medication.

So only take herbal remedies if you’re following the advice of a qualified medical herbalist, or a midwife who is trained to use herbal medicines.

A popular herbal remedy during pregnancy is Raspberry leaf tea. Sipping a few cups when you’re due may tone the muscles of your uterus (womb) and strengthen contractions - possibly making labour a bit shorter. (Avoid it though, if you’ve had a caesarean before, have one planned, have experienced bleeding or have gone into labour early before.)

Complementary therapies

A whole range of treatments, from acupuncture and reflexology, to hypnotherapy and Reiki, can ease away worries, soothe pain and boost your energy levels. Just make sure your practitioner is qualified and used to treating pregnant women – check them out via the Institute for Complementary Medicine .

Natural remedies and pregnancy: The lowdown