Toys for your baby's car seat and pram
Take a look at our choice for pram and car seat toys

The Lowdown
Your child will be spending a significant amount of time on the go, whether in a car seat or pushchair, and while there’s often enough going on in the outside world to keep them amused, having a toy to hand is always helpful so they don’t get bored or fractious. Car journeys in particular, especially if you're flying solo with baby, can be a flashpoint, so make sure you’re well-prepared with a versatile and entertaining toy.
What to look for
Any travel toy needs to be light and portable and have the ability to attach firmly to your car seat, pram or pushchair so it doesn't fall off or get lost. Look for toys with clips, clamps or ties so it can be properly attached. It’s useful if anything made from fabric can be washed, or wipe-cleaned at the very least.
Need to know
Toys with mirrors are especially recommended for car journeys, so you baby can see their reflection and feel less alone in the back seat.
1. Say Hello Car Activity Centre, £19.99,Baby Sensory
A compact and easily transportable travel toy that can be attached to the car’s back seat to keep your baby entertained on journeys. There are two baby-safe mirrors for peek-a-boo fun and three cute dangling sun, moon and stars toys to stimulate eye focus. Can also be attached to a pushchair.
2. Play and Kick Car Toy, £29.99, Taf Toys
Ideal for older babies who are starting to explore movement and develop motor skills, this toy has lights and sounds that are activated when your baby kicks or moves it. It’s perfect for keeping a baby in a rear-facing car seat happy and stimulated, with dangling toys and a mirror to add to the fun.
3. Take Along Mobile, £21.99, Tiny Love
This mobile can be used at home or for travel, with connectors so it can be attached to cribs and cots, as well as carry cots, infant carriers, pushchairs and prams, so it really can go anywhere your child does. It plays five different tunes that sound continuously for thirty minutes with an optional mute button.
4. Activity Spiral, £15.99, Lamaze
Bright and colourful, with highly contrasting colours that will stimulate a young baby’s vision, this spiral-shaped toy can be easily attached to either an infant carrier’s handle or a pushchair bumper bar for fun on the go. Features include two friendly animals, clacking rings and a jingle to entertain.
5. My First Buggy Buddy Patterns book, £4.99, Campbell Books
With pages that crinkle enticingly for little fingers, this soft cloth book is the perfect first read for your baby and handily can be washed. It has a useful strap so that it can be attached to either a pushchair or car seat, and is packed with bright and colourful illustrations for babies to enjoy.