
Words to inspire baby names for girls and boys

Here’s our top suggestions for words that make great names for boys and girls

Words that make great baby names

You can take inspiration for your baby’s name from any word, how about these?


Names can be inspired from non-name words, choosing something personal or meaningful to you and your family. For example, a day of the week may be of some special significance. Why not call your little one Tuesday? Or Sunday?

You may be at one with nature - so many words can transpire into lovely names like Autumn, Winter, even Lark. Or how about Alder or Ash for a boy?

There are also words that simply ‘mean something’ like Justice, Verity, Truth, Honor, Genesis, and Cadence? Or for boys, there’s Noble, Zen or Wilder.

For those of you from scientific backgrounds there’s Tesla or Lumen for a girl, or Quark makes an unusual male choice.

Just remember, the choice is endless. If it’s a word, it can be a name too - and you may just well set a trend!

If you are looking for different kinds of baby name inspiration or advice, be sure to check out Bounty.com regional baby names, our top baby names or for some international inspiration see our baby names by origins


1. Sunday

2. Autumn

3. Justice

4. Summer

5. Lark

6. Liberty

7. Verity

8. Honor

9. Faith

10. Genesis


1. Zen

2. Wilder

3. Noble

4. Alder

5. Ash

6. Cobalt

7. Jasper

8. Justice

9. Valor

10. Bravery

If you enjoyed this page, be sure to get inspired by unique and unusual names or check out our top baby names at Bounty.com. 

Words to inspire baby names for girls and boys